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Affirmations 1

Humor intended.

“I see myself as a completely enlightened being, and everyone else sees me that way too.”

“The Republicans will not win the upcoming election, in fact they will fail miserably and admit that they’ve had it all wrong for a *real* long time.”

“I am incredibly beautiful, and people cannot help but take furtive glances at my radiant splendor.”

(and on the flipside)

“I see everyone else as a completely enlightened being, and everyone else sees themselves that way too.”

“The Democrats will absolutely win the upcoming election by the biggest landslide victory in history, and will usher in a new era of sanity, humanitarianism, universal health care, and ever-improving international relations; the economy will boom and everyone will be richer and happier to be American than ever before.”

“I see others as incredibly beautiful, and I cannot help but take glances, furtive or otherwise, at every single person’s radiant splendor.”


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